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Article: New Lesson 'A Bright Winters Day' Now Available On MJS TV

New Lesson 'A Bright Winters Day' Now Available On MJS TV

New Lesson 'A Bright Winters Day' Now Available On MJS TV

There are some interesting parts to this scene which are fun to paint, when you know what you're doing!  The two things I'm asked most often are, " How can I paint realistic water" and " How do I paint realistic shadows".  As you can see, shadows feature heavily in this painting and in this lesson you'll learn the most effective technique to make them look real. I love the bright, warm colours in this scene and it's always nice to have man-made elements blending with the beauty of nature.

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55th Painting Lesson now available on MJS Tv! Silver Teapot

55th Painting Lesson now available on MJS Tv! Silver Teapot

When looking for interesting subjects to use for painting lessons, not only do I look for something challenging and fun to paint but also a subject that sits well with the current lesson library. T...

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New Lesson 'Formal Garden' Now Available on MJS Tv

New Lesson 'Formal Garden' Now Available on MJS Tv

I love history and there is something wonderful about visiting a Formal Garden, inspiration is around every corner. I can just imagine Pride and Prejudice's Mr Darcy walking hand in hand with Eliz...

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