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Article: New lesson 'Rocky Brook' Now available on MJS Tv

New lesson 'Rocky Brook' Now available on MJS Tv

New lesson 'Rocky Brook' Now available on MJS Tv


Learn how to paint this dynamic woodland stream.


I can imagine walking through this tranquil woodland, hearing the fast-flowing brook, turning the corner, and seeing the dappled sunlight on the craggy rock. I’d love to sit on that rock and listen to the rushing water it looks so relaxing yet invigorating!

This tutorial offers a great opportunity to practice rendering texture, movement and the interplay between light and shadow. Their are many exciting elements in this scene providing plenty of painting challenges, the rugged texture of the craggy rocks and rushing water provide a balance of calm and action, this enables you to practice creating depth and contrast in your paintings.

 This 12-part lesson will guide you step-by-step to bring this scene to life, from blocking in to finishing a highly detailed work of art to be proud of.

Discover techniques to express movement and texture in water, the brushstrokes to illustrate rugged rocks, and further develop skills to create realistic foliage.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial as much as I did!

Happy painting

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