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Article: Winter Stag Lesson Now Live!

Winter Stag Lesson Now Live!

Winter Stag Lesson Now Live!

Winter Stag

This beautiful majestic Stag stands tall and proud among this magical frosty landscape. The air is cold and the crunch underfoot makes him look up. Always alert he observes you as you do him. So peaceful and still. So majestic....


As detailed as this subject is, it's not the most difficult lesson on MJS Tv. As always your brushwork needs to be tight and steady. Getting the proportions correct with this painting is all important so take your time with the sketch and the rest will fall in to place.

Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced
Panel Size: 12 x 12 inches

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Student Forum

MJS Tv Students Forum

If you're a member if MJS Tv at present or have been in the past, you can join my Facebook Forum. Run by MJS Tv members, for members, it's a place where you can post your work, receive critique, s...

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Everything is Back in Stock!

Everything is Back in Stock!

As of today we are fully stocked up and ready to process all orders on Tuesday 29th December when our office reopens. Pre-orders have already been processed.

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