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Article: Painting detail with the Series 6, short flat brushes.

Painting detail with the Series 6, short flat brushes.

Painting detail with the Series 6, short flat brushes.

I use these brushes in many of my landscape paintings, especially when painting small details, for example on rocks and foliage.

Series 6, available in 2 sizes can be purchased here

To add texture to the rocks in my Beachy Head Lighthouse painting, use paint with no thinner added and dab the paint on.  This creates the perfect dappled effect and texture on the surface. 

Create a sharp edge along the rocks, by using the straight tip and gently applying brushstrokes, this defines the rocks and make them stand out, giving them a realistic 3D effect.

Watch my 'Beachy Head Lighthouse' tutorial here

A crisper definition line can be created by using the flat tip of the brush. For example along the tree line in my ‘Bright Winters day’ painting, defining the edge of the field by using short brushstrokes. Dabbing the paint on creates texture, which helps to emphasize the light and dark areas of the fields.

Watch my  'Bright Winters Day' tutorial here

Add highs and lows in the snow, using smooth short brushstrokes to define the snow laying against the rocks and trees and to highlight the snow in my 'Winters Light'  painting. 

Be careful not to load too much paint on the brush.

Brushing side to side with the flat brush tip to highlight the uneven surface in the snow. For example where there are footprints in the snow.

As it’s a stiffer brush, it gives you more control and makes it easier to apply the paint.

The smaller brush enables you to add intricate details, I used it to highlight the crisp edge along the snow overhang, using paint with no thinner added, this gives a nice amount of texture.

Tapping the paint on rather than brushing creates small, broken, textured lines, this technique was used in my 'Breakthrough' painting, it helped to highlight the light and dark areas of the hills rocky areas. Watch my YouTube time lapse video here, to see the Series 6 in action!


You can buy my brushes here

Happy Painting!


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