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Article: Can I sell the paintings I've completed? Shutterstock Licence Codes

Can I sell the paintings I've completed? Shutterstock Licence Codes

Can I sell the paintings I've completed? Shutterstock Licence Codes

Can I sell the paintings I’ve completed?

You are free to sell any paintings you’ve completed, that use my own images.

Those being: Beachy head, Lake District, Blakes wood, Cloudy Sky, Puddle, How to paint water, How to paint a river, How To paint An Apple, How To Paint A Lily flower, Willows beside the river., How To Paint A simple Landscape, How To Paint A Coastal Scene, Martini, River Detail Study, Self Portrait, Tree Branch Study,

However, there are many images I use in my lessons that are not mine, I have purchased the license for these through Shutterstock.

You can purchase the advanced license from Shutterstock for yourself if you wish to sell your paintings created using these images. 

Please see the Lesson images and relevant Shutterstock codes below.







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